Face Mapping: The Chinese Science of What Your Acne is Telling You

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Information: Face mapping is the science of understanding how internal health problems present themselves on the face. NOTE: take this information with a grain of salt. If you really believe that a certain organ is damaged or unhealthy, go to your doctor to have it checked out. Forehead. This area of your face is connected to your bladder and digestive system. You may be eating too much rich or sugary foods. For some people with lactose intolerance, consuming dairy products may lead to forehead breakouts. Solutions: drink less soda. Reduce sugar in your diet. Wash bangs! In between eyebrows. Can relate to a stressed liver and possible allergies. Acne here may indicate the need to reduce alcohol, dairy and fatty foods in your diet. Solutions: avoid drinking. Avoid smoking. Eat light foods, avoid rich, fatty foods. Avoid late night snacks. Eyes. If the half moon-shaped area under the eye is puffy and blue, you are depleting your liver or kidneys by eating too much rich food. And if your ears are redder than your facial skin, you are overworking your adrenal glands. Solutions: Drink up!! Steer clear of foods that dehydrate the body, like coffee, alcohol and fizzy drinks also try avoiding salt whenever possible. Cheeks. Two frequent cause of cheek acne is dirty pillowcases and pore-clogging makeup. Also, cell phones can harbor lots of bacteria. Your cheeks are also linked to your lungs, so breakouts on either side of your face can be related to smoking. Solutions left cheek: Don’t overeat, especially junk food. Try to decompress and relax. Lower left cheek acne could represent poor dental health, so keep your gums and teeth healthy by flossing and brushing regularly. Solutions : Practice proper hygiene. Nose. breakouts in this part of your face may result from high blood pressure, poor diet, constipation or a Vitamin B deficiency. Solutions: use makeup labeled “noncomedogenic” meaning that it won’t clog your pores. Eat less pungent foods (spices, garlic, etc). Eat less meat. Eat less salt. Replace ‘bad’ fats with more fruits, vegetables, nuts and Omega-rich fish. Eat warm temperature foods (not too cold or hot). Get more fresh air. Exercise everyday. Massage the area around your nose for better circulation. Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin B. Chin. This zone of the face is linked to the stomach and eating greasy or heavy foods. Solution: Step up the fiber intake, reduce the toxin overload and drink herbal teas to help with digestion. Sides of chin. Breakouts in this area often occur during a certain time of the month for women. Not much you can do about it :/.

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