Extractions Of Blackheads Treatment On The Back / Christian

Hello YouTube Family!

I know it’s been such a long time. We are trying our very best to get the material out to you as soon as possible. But we are having problems with zooming the camera so you can have a closer look at me doing extractions. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

At this time we are asking the viewers to zoom in this video at home, so you can have a closer view until we work this out. I am so sorry. =(
I can’t thank you enough for your continued patience with me and for your continued support. I wish I had more hours in the day so I can answer every question and thank each of you individually.
Know this….That no one is more appreciative and more thankful then me for having such a great and fabulous followers.
Love My YouTube Family!!!!!!!

Like always it was such a joy seeing Christian again. I was able to get some great extractions from this treatment and I was also happy see that his acne condition is resolving nicely. He is coming back to see me for a few more treatments. So keep your eyes open for those videos.

One more thing I am trying to build my Instagram following if you have not visited my page please do so and if you like it please follow me. We will be doing short clips in between videos on my Instagram to keep you tied over till my next video upload.

Enilsa Brown

Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Enilsa-Skin-Essentials-Acne-Clinic-345686595512232/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enilsaskinessentials/


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