Did you know 1 out of 5 people have had an STD? Most people dont’ even know they are carriers! this is scarier than gone girl!

STD’s sound scary and I feel like there is still some stigma on talking about STDs or getting help. STD’s are common and 20% of people in the US have had an STD so I just want to educate you on some of the common std symtoms and to let you know that millions of people have gotten one and there are ways to go on living your life after you’re diagnosed with one.

The most common STD is clamydia and women are three times more likely to have it than men. You can get it by any sexual contact with another infected person so just by rubbing your junk onto someone else’s infected junk could transfer it to you. People who are infected may have silent symptoms and only 30 percent of woman show symptoms. This is probably why this is the most common STD since infection can happen easily and symptoms don’t always show. Common symptoms for those that do show them are pain in your lower abdomen, discharge, burning when you pee, or pain during sex. If the infection spreads you could have a fever or bleeding between your periods.
The best way to prevent getting Chlamydia is to get yourself tested for it once a year and to use condoms. Condom usage will prevent the transmission of most STDs or having one faithful partner is a good way to ease your mind of any possible STD contractions.
Another common std is Herpes and the symptoms can be very mild. Herpes start off with a blister or maybe even more and they can appear around the genitals, rectum or mouth. Eventually the blisters break and you’re left with painful sores where the blisters once were. The sores take a few weeks to heal and if it’s someone’s first herpes outbreak, they could have a fever, body aches, or swollen glands.
If you notice a sore you can get tested for herpes and currently there is no cure for it, but there are medications to prevent outbreaks and decrease the chances of you spreading it to other people. Since there isn’t a cure it’s best to let your partner know if you have it. Also, If you see a sore don’t touch it because you can spread herpes all over to other parts of your body.
Another common std is gonnorhea and it’s another STD that could show no symptoms especially in women. You could have it for a month and not know it. When symptoms do show they’re usually very mild. Common symtoms are pain when you go pee, itching, or discharge, bleeding between periods or bleeding after sex, lower abdominal pain, fever, feeling tired, and pain during sex. You can get infected with gonorrhea in your throat, vagina, and your butt so if you want to get tested for it, a thorough testing would swab all those areas.
It sounds pretty unpleasant doesn’t it? But the good news is that you can be cured. The treatment for gonorrhea should completely cure you of it, but always make sure to follow your doctors instructions to the last details to avoid complicating the disease or spreading it again.
Syphilis is an std that can be passed through sex or even kissing if the infected person has a sore on their mouth. The early symptoms of a syphilis infection include a single painless sore on your genitals, mouth or anus. Other symptoms could appear later like a rash on the palms of your hand and bottoms of your feet. Syphilis can cause serious damage to your body if you leave it untreated. If you suspect you might have it, it’s better to be safe and get tested for it, the sooner you catch it the easier it is to get rid of it.

Gentital warts are caused by the HPV virus and symptoms show up as fleshy colored soft bumps on your skin with a texture that kind of looks like the tops of cauliflower. They’re typically painless but may feel itchy. These bumps tend to grow in clusters and they can grow around your vagina, cervix, or anus. After you come in contact with an infected person, the disease could spread to you and it can take 1 to 6 months for symptoms to show. Your body is able to fight off the virus that causes genital warts on its own, so once the warts disappear then you shouldn’t get them again but it could take a long time.
Like any other disease, STD’s are taken seriously and if you suspect anything or just want a checkup, health care providers are really kind and will answer any questions you have. Since a lot of std’s don’t show any symptoms, you should get screened for std’s yearly if you’re sexually active.
If you have a lot of sex with a lot of different people then for sure go get screened because even if you use a condom, there’s still a chance of spreading certain diseases. Using condoms and having just one partner is probably the most effective way to prevent getting an std, other than never having sex ever. Hope this helps you in making informed choices about your sex life and health.


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