Blackhead & whitehead extractions and a skin biopsy

I have many Vietnam vets as patients, since many of them were in the sun for extended periods when they were enlisted. This patient also had a suspicious looking mole on the back of his neck and a larger superficial (non life threatening) skin cancer on the right front of his neck. I’m treating the right neck with a chemotherapy cream since it’s too large to surgically remove without leaving a very large scar, and I biopsied the dark spot on the back of his neck. If you have dark spots like he had behind his neck, please have such spots evaluated by a dermatologist. He had blackheads and whiteheads on his face.. Not too many, but they were bumpy and bothersome. I used a comedone extractor to remove them. Instagram:
@DrPimplePopper for 24/7 pops
@DrSandraLee for my work, my life, my pops

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