DID THE RUBBER BREAK? Or you just had a heat of the moment with a Brad Pitt lookalike? Here are TOP SIGNS YOU ARE PREGNANT!

Please note that I’ve never been pregnant so this is research that was collected from online, in forums, and through friends. This video is used for guidance only and should not be taken as advice from adequate medical sources, such as a physician.

8 signs that you’re pregnant
So maybe you’re super excited and hoping for a baby or maybe you’re freaking out and hoping that the birth control you’re using didn’t fail you.
To answer some of your questions here are eight tell-tale signs that you may be expecting a baby. Most of these symptoms are caused by your body being flooded with a large amount of pregnancy hormones and a lot of these symptoms are felt in the first few weeks because you’re body is getting used to it.
One sign that you’re pregnant is spotting and cramping. Girls might mistake this for their period which is really confusing, but the difference would be that there’s a lot less blood to where it’s barely noticeable and the cramps would probably be a lot less intense than what you’re used to.
If your breasts feel extra tender and sore that could be a sign of early pregnancy because of the quick hormone changes in your body. This can cause your breasts to swell up, feel heavy and fuller. This would usually occur 2 weeks after getting pregnant.
If you find yourself having to use the bathroom more than usual that could be due pregnancy because the increased hormones cause extra blood flow to your kidneys. Mind you there are other causes too like a UTI so if you feel any burning or pain along with peeing more go see a doctor for that.
Morning sickness or nausea happens about 6 weeks into pregnancy and some girls can experience it earlier. The name is a little misleading because you can actually feel nauseated during any time of the day. If you have morning sickness it’s best to avoid any foods or smells that may trigger it, and try eating foods that are easier on your stomach by avoiding spicy, high fat, fried, or creamy foods. Eatings smaller meals throughout the day may help lower nausea and you’ll still get to eat enough to maintain a healthy diet.
Crazy food cravings is another sign you’re pregnant. If you really want something that you normally wouldn’t think about like I dunno, lemon meringue pie, then maybe you’re pregnant. Pregnancy hormones also cause this but people aren’t too sure why girls crave things that aren’t the most nutritional like cheetos or fudge brownies. Try to not overindulge but hey if you’re fighting against morning sickness or food cravings I would take food cravings any day.
Constipation is also a sign because when one of the hormones, progesterone, increases then it causes the food in your intestines to move more slowly. When this happens more water is getting absorbed so just drink more water to take away the constipation.
Pregnancy can cause you to have a very heightened sense of smell. You don’t have to go around sniffing things to test this because you would probably be able to tell without trying. A lot of pregnant woman say that smells like perfume, cooking smells, and spaghetti sauce were really disgusting.
The most accurate indicator is if you have a missed period. If you have a regular cycle and you’re late by a week you should go to a drugstore and get a pregnancy test to confirm any suspicions. Mind you if you are constantly stressing about your period, that extra stress can mess up your cycle and cause you to be late by a few days or even weeks! If you do use a pregnancy test, they can detect the hormones after a week you miss your period. If you use a test earlier than that, it probably won’t be accurate. A negative reading could still indicate you’re pregnant if you took it too early.
If it’s been over a month after you miss your period and pregnancy tests still say negative, then go visit a doctor just to be sure and maybe they could find out something underlying that’s causing you to miss your period for so long. Good luck and congrats to all the new moms. If you’re hoping to not be pregnant, then cross our fingers for a negative! And watch my video about Birth Control to keep yourself protected.

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