An Update From Enilsa

Hi my sweet friends 🥰

I wanted to reach out today through a video and a short written message to give you all an update on how I’m doing. I’m sorry it took so long but I’m finally feeling better and just starting to feel like myself again!

I’m currently on a three-week rehabilitation program to strengthen my muscles so I can regain my ability to walk and keep my balance. At this time, my biggest concern is my ammonia levels which doctors are monitoring very closely as if they get too high they can cause me confusion, blurred vision and loss of memory. But to God be the Glory, I’m grateful and thankful to be alive and to have the strength to keep a positive attitude believing that God is in control and He already has my healing!

This has been a hard journey for me since I no longer can work doing what I’m passionate about which is skin care. It’s going to be a long recovery, but I’m taking care of myself mentally, emotionally, and physically, allowing God to finish the work He started in me, “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” Philippians 1:6

My goal is to start recording videos after my doctor approves it. I’m truly looking forward to recording and interacting with you my family again. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers, well wishes, donations, gifts, and cards. I was touched and humbled by the thousands of followers that lifted up a prayer for me and I know that’s the reason I survived.

Words can’t even describe how I felt.
I love you guys so much, thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most 💓

Grateful to call you my extended family,
Love you to heaven and back!
May God continue to bless you!

Enilsa Brown

P.S. Sorry for all the barking! My dogs decided they really wanted to join in and be part of the video 🐶😉

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Intro music 🎵 by Shane Ivers
Outro music 🎵 by Scott Holmes Music


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