A wart and a milium removed.

This patient has a filiform verruca on his right lower lip, aka a wart.
“Filiform” just describes the shape, since it’s long and thin, projecting from the surface of the skin
A wart is caused by a virus, so they can be easy to remove (sometimes not so easy), but they can reoccur. This is because the wart “flies under the radar ” with our immune system. A wart recurs because our own body’s immune system does not recognize that it is there and allows it to grow back.
However, if you are healthy, your immune system usually figures out eventually, that there is a wart present, and then as suddenly as it appears, it can disappear. Unfortunately, you just don’t know whether this is a day, a month, or over a year from now!
In this case, I placed a little local anesthesia under the wart so I could snip it off with sharp serrated scissors. A simple office procedure.
Also, he had a pretty big milium on his nose, which I extracted easily. As many of you know these are benign superficial cysts which don’t have to be removed but are usually bothersome to people.
Have a great day and thank you for watching!


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