A few milia, some with numbing and some without. For medical education- NSFE.

For medical education- NSFE. She came in yesterday for a skin exam and mentioned she hated these bumps she felt on her face so I offered to remove them for free if she wouldn’t mind if I videotaped it for you all. She obliged and was so happy to get rid of them. She can’t see them but can feel them and can’t scratch or squeeze them out. This is because milia have to be nicked with a sharp lancet or blade first in order to express them. Some people have wondered why I numb areas up first. I do this for comfort not for discomfort. It hurts less to feel the pinch of a very small needle then to feel a sharp blade and the pressure of the comedone extractor. Also, some ask why I inject the lidocaine needle so many times. Well, the patient should feel only the first needle prick (if they even feel that) – after that I only inject where I have already numbed. Trust me… It’s a much more comfortable procedure with numbing first. Enjoy. Happy April 1st!!


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