A big blackhead and some seborrheic keratoses treated on the back

This patient I saw yesterday for an overall body exam/ mole check. She has great skin in general, but has multiple seborrheic keratoses on her back which irritate her and are itchy. I explained to her that there are benign growths, that seem to sit a top the skin.. they are not moles, will not turn into a skin cancer, and don’t need to be removed. However, some of them really bothered her so I treated them with liquid nitrogen, which essentially freezes the growth. Over the next week, the treated areas will turn darker and scale up and fall off.
Also, I noticed she had a pretty big blackhead on her back. She would have squeezed it herself if she had even known it was there, or could reach it. She let me do it and film it so I could show all of you.

Thank you for watching!!


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