Acne Back Treatment

Hello YouTube Family.πŸ’œ
This pt came in with complaints of Acne breakout on his back along with problems with blackheads. He has scarring due to his severe case of acne- Grade 4. Because he is a teen his parents decided not to put him on Accutane due to the risk factors and side effects to this drug.
He was not pre treated with any homecare regiment prior to us treating him which would of made extractions alot easier. We did use a 20% glycolic before we started extractions to presoften the lesions.

He does not live here in Killeen, therefore we won’t be seeing him any time soon but when he comes into town we will definitely be treating his skin again.

Thank you for your support and patience with us as we try to up load more video. Like always I totally adore you guys.
Love my YouTube Family.πŸ’œ Enilsa Brown

*Please look us up on our Facebook page under Enilsa Skin Essentials / Acne Clinic and like us.
We are also on Instagram. Have a blessed day.😊


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