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Don’t you hate when you have to wake up at 6 in the morning because you have to go to an appointment, work or school but you find yourself lying in bed wide awake at 4 am? I do. Sleep deprivation is no joke because if it happens constantly it could eventually lead to poor health, slower thinking, and increase your chances of getting into an accident.
When insomnia strikes at the most inconvenient times, it is common for insomnia to get worse because the more days in a row you stay up late, the more your body gets used to it and then your sleep cycle gets all messed up. If you’re up late right now trying to fall asleep look no futher because I’m going to tell you 10 tried and true tips to help you fall asleep fast and fix your sleep cycle!
Get rid of Anxiety before bedtime. A lot of people think about things that bother them when they lie in bed. Let’s face it, in today’s busy schedules , bedtime is one of the few moments we have to reflect. To fix this, spend an hour maybe right after dinner to think about what’s bothering you and write down any worries and thoughts that are on your mind so you can address those thoughts earlier instead of during your sleep time.
Switch off all your lights, and turn that clock away from your face! Seeing the time tick by as you are trying to sleep will only stress you out and keep you up later!
Pick up a book and read. Pick a book that you know you won’t get too caught up in, like something you have already read a few times, or a book that you find boring.
Sleep in a cooler room. Colder rooms will lower your core body temperature slightly, which is enough to make you feel sleepy. 65 degree ought to do it, and if you feel that’s too warm adjust to your liking.
Log off your computer, electronics, and put your smartphone out of reach. Your body creates hormones called melatonin when it gets dark that make you sleepy and regulates your sleep cycle. When you’re staring at bright lights all the time your body won’t be able to make those sleep hormones. Going on your phone to check social media or emails will add more stress and keep you up too.
Drink something warm before bed! Avoid anything with caffeine in it. I suggest drinking chamomile tea, or a glass of warm milk. Warm drinks like these are comforting and raise your internal body temperature which helps us relax so we can fall asleep fast.
Eat cherriess or drink cherry juice! Specifically, tart cherries are the best as a sleep aid. Cherries work because they are a natural source of the sleep hormone, Melatonin that I mentioned earlier. Drink a glass of tart cherry juice in the evening or eat a bowl of tart cherries each day to help you fall asleep faster.
Stop having any caffeine at least 8 hours before your bed time because caffeine has a half-life of 8 hours.
Try a breathing exercise! Once you’re laying in bed, breathe in through your nose for 3 seconds and breathe out through your nose for 6 seconds and keep repeating until you’re sleeping.
Do upper body and lower body stretches before going to bed and focus on deep breathing. Stretching has been shown to increase the amount of deep sleep for women. It works because it helps your body relieve any tension , and relaxes your muscles so you can have a night of restful sleep.
These are the best tips that I found have helped me sleep since my schedule is different each day and it can be hard to commit to a set sleep schedule. All these tips are great ways for me to relieve all the stress I’ve had built up too which is calming and if you practice these tips regularly I assure you will knock out on your bed quick, and wake up feeling refreshed. Good luck everyone!

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